Registration fees

Registration fees should be paid for each paper presented. The fees are as follows:


Early registration
(before May 2, 2019)

Late registration
(after May 2, 2019)




Students (with presentation)*



Students (only participation)*



Accompanying persons



* A student ID card is required

The registration fee includes coffee breaks, light lunches, the gala dinner as well as conference material (book of abstracts, conference proceedings, programme, etc).

A 50% discount rate applies to all members of HELORS.

The payment of the registration fees can be done by bank transfer at one of the following accounts of the Hellenic Operational Research Society:

  • National Bank of Greece (account no. 116-480017/63, IBAN: GR41 0110 1160 0000 1164 8001 763, Swift Code: ETHNGRAA)
  • Piraeus Bank (account no. 5018-036916-821, IBAN: GR06 0172 0180 0050 1803 6916 821, Swift Code: PIRBGRAA)

When making the bank transfer, make sure that your name appears on the payment, together with a reference to the Conference (e.g., eg Papadopoulos K, HELORS-2019) and that the payment is net of any bank charges. 

The receipt of the payment should be sent to the Secretariat of HELORS, by email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or fax (+30-210-3807807). For further information about the payment of the registration fee, please contact the Secretariat of HELORS.